

The structure we have set up allows everyone to be engaged in the process of preparing the bid and joining in with the event. This bid is about team work. Everyone should be involved in the process. You are part of the team.

Our bid application is structured in the following way.


The VT2019 Foundation


This is a new body responsible for delivering the program. Representing this Foundation is the Board that is made of the local community including representatives from the Municipality, businesses, civil society, arts/cultural community and the university. The Board acts as the supreme governing body of the foundation. It is based on the highest representation of all of the involved partners.

The Board is responsible for the strategic planning and guidance of the foundation. All of the principal decisions are generated or are subject of approval of the Board.


The VT 2019 Project Office


The project office is made up of a team of multinational professionals (Managing Director, Artistic Director, Communication and Engagement Manager, Administrative Manager).

They are the core of the daily project implementation in line with the strategic policies as developed by the Board. It deals with the public relations and marketing of the program, the planning, time-table and scheduling, organization and launching of events and the monitoring and reporting.


Other Valuable Inputs


In addition to the Foundation and the Project Office various other important Advisory Bodies are working on the project as part of the team. These include:


The Arts Board – made up of representative from the arts and cultural community that are providing analysis and recommendation on the program.


The Monitoring and Evaluation Team – a group of experts tasked with assessing to what degree the project is keeping in line with its stated objectives in the period leading up to and after the event.