Students and established architects discussed urban development projects

26 July 2014

Students from the 34th European Architecture Students Assembly (EASA) and established local architects discussed urban development projects,considered  important for the future of the city. The debate, dedicated to the architectural visions for Kraibrezhna (riverside) street, Boruna (Asenevtsi) Park and the Old Military School, was initiated by Mr. Gancho Karabadzhakov, Deputy Mayor of Veliko Tarnovo Municipality. The students showed that they are familiar with the history of Veliko Tarnovo and the importance of these areas development.

They shared the view that construction of the riverside street along the northern bank of Yantra river will solve many urban planning and transportation problems, while transforming Yantra river from a line that divides the city into uniting sport and recreation area. More bike lanes, sport and children playgrounds would contribute for more friendly and relaxing city environment. Boruna peninsular (Asenevtsi Park) could serve as a natural transition area from the active urban environment of the centre to the recreation and rest area of Sveta Gora Hill. The unique beauty of the ship-like peninsular above Yantra could also be used for creative art and outdoor exhibition area, also offering family-type rest and playground facilities.